Saturday, February 8, 2025

Professor Hideki Shimada Leads ISTT Webinar

Look out for the ISTT’s upcoming webinar focusing on rectangular pipe jacking, presented by the highly respected Professor Hideki Shimada

Look out for the ISTT’s upcoming webinar focusing on rectangular pipe jacking, presented by the highly respected Professor Hideki Shimada of Kyushu University. The webinar will take place on 10th December 2021 at 14:00 GMT (09:00 am EST, US, 22:00 Beijing, 15:00 Berlin).

As you may well be aware, the rectangular pipe has a higher utilisation space compared with the circular pipe and therefore rectangular pipe jacking unlocks greater potential applications for underground space excavation. However, ground response, jacking force and pipe bearing state all need to be analysed before construction with rectangular pipe jacking. In this live, online presentation, four different rectangular pipe aspect ratios with the same utilisation cross-section were investigated using the 3D finite element method. Until now, there was no generally accepted prediction equation for rectangular pipe jacking.

It has also been suggested that the prediction equations of circular jacking will overestimate the jacking force of rectangular pipe jacking. Therefore, the modified prediction equation is established by considering the mechanism and behaviour
of the surrounding soil. In order to implement the specific phenomenon of friction force, the pipe-soil contact ratio λ is defined to evaluate the contact state, before being introduced to the modified friction force prediction equation of rectangular pipe lacking.

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Hideki Shimada is a Professor of the Department of Earth Resources Engineering at Kyushu University. He has published over 100 papers and two books and has appeared in more than 20 scientific publications in major international journals and leading global conferences. Professor Shimada has also been awarded Academic Category Winner by International Society Trenchless Technology, No-Dig Award in 2007 and 2013. He is now Vice-Chair of JSTT. To register click here:

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