Saturday, January 25, 2025

New Company Acquisition At Pipehawk

Utsi Electronics Ltd join the group and prepare to exhibit at No-Dig Live

With Innovation as its heart and technology running through its veins, Pipehawk plc is a dynamic and growing multi-faceted group of UK companies. Each a specialist in its own field yet bound together by a common purpose. Our group commercial strategy is one focused on Research & Development and with many years providing technology solutions to the Highways, Construction, Automotive, Rail and Aerospace sectors behind us. The results of our endeavours may be found in use around the world.

Representing PipeHawk plc on stand 91 at No Dig Live, our Technology division, alongside the Group’s newest addition Utsi Electronics Ltd will be displaying a selection from its extensive range of Ground Penetrating Radar products including under our Groundvue brand, the new UP41000: An integrated 4 channel system for layered surface assessment such as asphalt, concrete etc. Also making its debut at the show under our PipeHawk brand will be the new UP400 antenna for use with our globally popular e-Safe range of Service avoidance tools. We shall also be featuring hands-on demonstrations of our new UP6000 High Frequency handheld GPR for close quarter material assessment, while outdoors will be demonstrations and hands-on opportunities to try the Groundvue Trivue system.

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