The new webcast series has already looked at a wide range of topics surrounding the global issue of water loss. In the past four episodes moderator Andrew Walker spoke to experts across the water sector to understand how utilities experience water loss and what kind of technical innovations are being implemented to reduce it. In addition, he was introduced to new technical developments in the field of plastic piping systems and pressure management, as well as modern training methods such as Virtual Reality at GF Piping Systems.
However, one question remains open: What does the future of water loss reduction look like? The fifth episode of “Solving Water Loss for Life” will take a look at current smart technology enablers in water networks and discuss how digitalization could impact the water sector in the coming years.
Moderator Andrew Walker will welcome a panel of industry experts to discuss the importance of digital solutions as a tool to solve water loss. Topics will include the external factors that make smart technology enablers necessary for utilities as well as a look at current projects by GF Piping Systems and its partners that utilize self-powered sensors to reduce non-revenue water. In addition, the panelists will share their insights into the social and political aspects of smart urban water networks and what the future might hold for digital technologies in the water sector.
Guest speakers of episode five in the “Solving Water Loss for Life” webcast series include:
• Ina Vertommen, Team Leader Hydroinformatics at KWR
• Janelcy Alferes Castano, R&D Project Leader – Internet of Water
• Liliane Manny, PhD at Eawag and ETH University Zurich
• Jennifer M Gulland, Independent Water Economics & Risk Expert
• Katja Stadler, Development Engineer Utility Solutions at GF Piping Systems
Sign up today to learn more about how GF Piping Systems is solving water loss for life, and to view the fifth episode in the webcast series: