Sunday, September 8, 2024

Become a member of the UKSTT at No-Dig Live

The United Kingdom Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) is the only membership organisation solely dedicated to promoting the use of trenchless technology during the installation or renovation of underground pipelines, utilities and services in the UK. The UKSTT provides leadership, support and educational opportunities for organisations and individuals involved in trenchless technology.

Established in 1993 the Society was established as a stand-alone, independent body, affiliated with the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT).

As a member of the UKSTT, members have exclusive access to the ISTT website where amongst other things, you will have access to hundreds of past papers from trenchless conferences.

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The UKSTT stand will provide a networking area for anyone attending NO-DIG Live. Free tea, coffee and cream teas will be available throughout the three days. There will be a dedicated registration area for new members to sign up and discuss the benefits of membership and a special NODIG Live offer will be in place for all organisations and individuals who sign up during the event.

On Thursday UKSTT will be hosting its German counterpart GSTT, for a traditional British ‘Afternoon Tea’.

The UKSTT has a unique Trenchless Enquiry Service that provides a platform for its members to offer solutions to ongoing projects. Members come from all sectors of the industry and consists mainly of Utility Companies, Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Consultants and Service Providers.

For almost 30 years, the UKSTT has provided members with access to the latest technological advancements, technical information, and educational opportunities through their Masterclasses, Roadshow and NODIG Live conference programmes, webinars and online events. Information is also provided through the Societies Trenchless BUZZ online magazine as well as through their official magazine and media partner Trenchless Works. UKSTT – Think Trenchless First!


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