Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Message From UKSTT Chair

I have to begin by saying how much I enjoyed the Westrade No-Dig Roadshow in Glasgow. The exhibition was excellent. The conference, supported by UKSTT and Scottish Water, kindly sponsored by Enviro- clean, was superb.

Thank you to all of the speakers for fascinating insight into carbon reduction plans, methods, standards and innovations. It was great to hear Scottish Water actively inviting original ideas to contribute to net zero, hopefully we can expand on that with collaborative events in the future.

Following the success of the Glasgow Roadshow, I am sure that the UKSTT Masterclass on 2 November at the Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham will be another great event, with the topic ‘Large Diameter Circular and Non-Circular Rehabilitation’. Book your ticket now!

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Last week we held our first face-to-face Council meeting since January 2020! It was also our AGM. I still feel all warm and fuzzy that we could meet in person after all of this time seeing each other as silhouettes on a screen. I am delighted to report that we have a full Council, congratulations to Simon Marsh and Richard Swan for joining us

this year. We had a very productive meeting (nothing to do with the doughnuts), and I can tell you that there are very exciting times ahead for UKSTT! Our Council has agreed to assume even more responsibility through our existing sub-committees, both of which will now have three smaller dedicated working groups, each with their own Chair. This will help to focus our efforts and achieve more as a Society, while making the most of the expertise of our Board members.

As previously reported, I will remain Chair of the UKSTT for the coming year, which is a great honour. My mission has always been to improve communications, increase visibility of the Society and in turn Trenchless Technology. This would simply not be possible without the commitment and experience of our Council, but most of all (and I really cannot stress this enough), without the devotion and talent of our Business Development Manager Lynn MacLachlan. Here’s to another busy year everyone!

Stay safe!

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